Advisory Services

Our expert team offers tailored guidance to help you navigate private markets effectively. From portfolio review and design to liquidity modeling, we're here to support your unique needs with confidence and clarity.

Allocation Review and Design

At Mariners, we understand legacies aren’t casually built. They require steadfast guidance over time. Let our team conduct a thorough review of your private market portfolio to ensure it supports your family's vision, financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Together, we'll help you optimize your allocation strategy by balancing growth potential with risk management.

Investment Policy, Guidelines, and Benchmarks Determination

Partner with our team to craft an investment policy to solidify your family's vision and empower your legacy. Together, we will determine the right mix of benchmarks and guidelines to evaluate your private market portfolio over time. Throughout the process, you can expect dedicated support and expert guidance to empower your journey.

Cash Flow and Exposure Pacing

Allow our team to design an investment pacing and cash flow model to ensure your private market portfolio meets liquidity requirements. We will tailor a framework to maintain your required liquidity without sacrificing world-class investment opportunities.

Evaluation of Optimal Structures for Program Implementation

Optimize your portfolio by evaluating the most effective and efficient methods for your private market portfolio implementation. Our team will assess various structures, vehicles, and jurisdictions according to your specific needs to find the best solution.