Customized Solutions. Powerful Results.
Exclusive Access To The World’s Best Private Market Investment Opportunities.
Our custom approach allows us to leverage the right mix of strategies to achieve your unique investment goals and objectives.
Fund Investments
Our experience provides access and allocation to sought-after managers, as well as the ability to identify and select next-generation managers. As a result, we offer our investors access to some of the world’s most attractive private market opportunities.
Direct Investments
Mariners provides access to invest in high-quality companies on a global scale. If you are looking to gain targeted exposure to certain geographies, investment types, or sectors, our team has the resources and experience to create a program that meets your needs.
Our deep market knowledge provides a clear advantage to investors, particularly in secondary investments which can lower risk and accelerate capital deployment. Our firm's expertise in this area can add value to your legacy though near term-liquidity, increased diversification, and exposure to seasoned assets.
Commingled Options
Mariners commingled funds offer investors pooled investment strategies by leveraging our strong industry connections and expertise to provide access to premier and emerging managers. While this approach offers less customization, it is meant to provide more standardized diversification across sectors, geographies, and vintages.